Multimedia Health and environment

Precision Medicine

Finding the right treatment for each patient is the very foundation of healthcare. If we push this principle to the extreme, precision medicine is one of the best ways to fight cancer. However, the economists Samuel Kembou and Bruno Ventelou found that, for advanced non-small cell lung cancer, there is inequality in access to this type of personalized treatment in France.

By Samuel Kembou

Samuel Kembou

Auteur scientifique, Université de Lausanne

Bruno Ventelou

Bruno Ventelou

Auteur scientifique, CNRS, AMSE

Lucien Sahl

Lucien Sahl

Journaliste scientifique


Kembou Nzale S., Weeks WB., Ouafik L., Rouquette I., Beau-Faller M., Lemoine A., et al., 2020, "Inequity in access to personalized medicine in France: Evidences from analysis of geo variations in the access to molecular profiling among advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients: Results from the IFCT Biomarkers France Study" PLoS ONE 15(7).
